Who are you?
in progress
Antho MysteriousWork.com
As of today (Wednesday, January 3, 2024), the driving force behind this FPS video game project is me, Anthony Gallego. I bring with me a background as a business developer in the web3 industry, with extensive experience and a strong passion for web2 and web3 application development, as well as video game development. However, I have already reached out to approximately fifty potential contributors, all based in the Paris region (my hometown), with diverse roles within the video game and blockchain industries. Additionally, I am in the process of establishing connections with a reputable video game school to involve their students and mentors in the successful realization of the project. I also intend to bring in experts from various domains within the video game industry. In the near future, I will unveil the complete team behind this initiative, emphasizing our commitment to not undertaking this game development journey alone.
Antho MysteriousWork.com
in progress
Antho MysteriousWork.com
As of today (Wednesday, January 3, 2024), the driving force behind this FPS video game project is me, Anthony Gallego. I bring with me a background as a business developer in the web3 industry, with extensive experience and a strong passion for web2 and web3 application development, as well as video game development. However, I have already reached out to approximately fifty potential contributors, all based in the Paris region (my hometown), with diverse roles within the video game and blockchain industries. Additionally, I am in the process of establishing connections with a reputable video game school to involve their students and mentors in the successful realization of the project. I also intend to bring in experts from various domains within the video game industry. In the near future, I will unveil the complete team behind this initiative, emphasizing our commitment to not undertaking this game development journey alone.